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Dust an elysian tail pc graphic problems

Incredibly hard game with a lovecraftian theme and horrors in it. The sequel is even better, with a transition in 3D.ĭarkest Dungeon: One of my favorite indies. Risk of Rain: An atmospheric side scroller, with a bit of a miniature view of your character and the world. Incredibly fun.Ĭrypt of the Necrodancer: Rhythm based rogue-like where you move and attack within the beats of the music.

dust an elysian tail pc graphic problems

If you die, your descendants will continue your legacy, being stronger and better than the last one as you aquire permanent upgrades with the previous knight. You start as a knight that explores an always changing castle. Rogue Legacy: Side scroller game that is incredibly fun. The final boss of this game is arguably created by Satan himself. You explore the galaxy and fight other ships, gaining spoils and rewards along the way. One controls your shields, others your weapons, another one is the pilot etc. You control a crew that takes roles within certain parts of your space ship.

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Game is completely themed with guns and added a lot of free content, including one very recently that fixed a major problem for this, which was item and weapon synergies.įTL (Faster Than Light): Different type of Rogue-like.

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I prefer it over Nuclear Thrones, but torn between this and Isaac. Nuclear Throne: Very fast paced, tons of guns and very hectic.Įnter the Gungeon: Hybrid of Isaac and Nuclear Throne. Roguelikes (basically a genre of indie games, in which i'm a big fan of):īinding of Isaac: Rebirth: The game that popularized the entire roguelike genre and pretty much is one of the reasons why the below roguelike games even exist for me to give them as examples in the first place. A must try. I find them better than AAA games more often than not. Here's a list i've made some time ago that is still viable now, with some current edits: Or as they are mainly called, indie games.

Dust an elysian tail pc graphic problems